At the 2019 ATIA Conference, Babb and colleagues shared how the use of video VSDs during vocational tasks could support adolescents with CCN.
Peer support interventions for preschoolers with ASD (Chapin et al., 2018)
Chapin et al. (2018) provide a systematic review of the impact of peer support interventions on the communication of preschoolers with ASD.
Grid-based AAC Apps to Support Academic Sight Word Learning (Filipovits et al, 2018)
At the 2018 PSHA Convention, Filipovits et al presented their findings on the use of grid-based apps to support academic sight word learning.
Provision of Adapted Literacy Instruction by SLPS
Jess Caron, Nora Eskin and colleagues described the experiences of SLPs in providing literacy instruction to children who use AAC at ASHA 2017
Denmark, 2017
David McNaughton discussed the work of persons who use AAC, as well as Penn State faculty and graduate students, at a Transition conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.