The PSU 2017 Master students are an incredible group: one and all!
We recognize and appreciate:
- their diligence and hard work in academic course work — in addition to the standard curriculum, many participated in the Advanced Seminar Technology Lab;
- their contributions to research endeavors with the RERC on AAC or along individual interests, and dedication to sharing knowledge at local (PSHA), national (both ASHA and at TASH), and international (ISAAC) conferences; and
- their commitment with the individuals with complex communication needs and their families that students engaged with during clinical practicum experiences.
Clark Knudtson, Megan Hoorn, Hannah Young, and Ethan Richtsmeier, (clockwise, pictured at right), graduated as the final students on The Penn State Children’s Communicative Competence project which was begun in 2011. The goal of the grant has been to respond to the urgent need for fully credentialed speech language pathologists who are prepared to provide evidence-based services to improve results for high need children who have complex communication needs and require AAC.