Wilkinson, K. (2009). Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for School-age Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Basic Strategies for Immediate Results. Retrieved from American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. [On-line]
This program introduces viewers to basic AAC strategies for immediate application with school-age children with significant intellectual disabilities. Fundamental issues facing clinicians serving emerging communicators are illustrated through case studies and supporting research. After introducing viewers to basic terms in the field, this program reviews recommended practices in adopting aided and unaided modes of communication, the uses and limitations of technology, and the role of communicators and their partners in effective interventions.
This web workshop includes recorded lectures, interactive exercises, video clips, additional resources, and an exam.
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:
• describe and analyze the relative advantages and disadvantages of different components of AAC, including the modes involved and the types of access methods available
• list a variety of communication functions that AAC should be designed to fulfill, as well as some practical ways to achieve those functions
• apply the skills you gained from the course to a case study of a child with intellectual disabilities, designing an intervention for a hypothetical child, and justifying your decisions