Light, J., Drager, K., Roberts, R., Currall, J. (November 15, 2012). Preservice Training of Speech-Language Pathologists in Evidence-Based AAC Services. Poster Session at ASHA in Atlanta, Georgia. [Handout]
This poster will describe the curriculum and preliminary outcome data for the Penn State Children’s Communicative Competence Project, a training grant that prepares speech-language pathologists in the specialized competencies required to provide high-quality evidence-based AAC services to improve outcomes for children with complex communication needs and their families.
Learner Outcomes:
Learner Outcome 1: describe the need for preservice training of SLPs in evidence-based AAC services.
Learner Outcome 2: describe a model for preservice training to develop competencies in evidence-based AAC services.
Learner Outcome 3: participants will be able to explain outcome measures for evaluating the effects of preservice training in evidence-based AAC services.