This introductory level webcast on “AAC and Children” (20 minutes) by Kathy Drager, Janice Light, and David McNaughton (Penn State University) is designed as an introduction to the use of AAC. It focuses on ways to provide communication opportunities, model the use of AAC, pause, respond to the child, and most of all, to have […]
AAC internet training for para-educators – research
Special Education Doctoral Candidate Sarah Douglas presented her dissertation research on “Online training for paraeducators to support the communication of young children with complex communication needs”. Sarah’s research examined the use of an internet training package, including a strategy to engage children in interactive play, and example videos, on the communication support behaviors of para-educators. […]
Young Kids – Website
This website provides guidelines for early intervention to maximize the language and communication development of young children with special needs . The website provides guidelines for early intervention specifically designed for children with complex communication needs, including children with: Autism spectrum disorders Cerebral palsy Down syndrome Multiple disabilities The website provides: Step-by-step guidelines […]
AAC Interventions to Maximize Language Development for Young Children
Young children who have significant communication disabilities are at risk in all aspects of their development. Early AAC intervention is essential to maximize outcomes. This webcast will report on the results of a research project, funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research as part of the AAC-RERC. The session will discuss: (1) […]
Maximizing the literacy skills of individuals who require AAC – Webcast
This free webcast will discuss effective evidence-based practices to maximize the literacy skills of individuals who require AAC.