Mandak et al. evaluated the impact of use of T2L features within video VSDs on single-word reading with an adolescent with cerebral palsy. (Free on PubMed, 9-15-21)
Effects of literacy instruction on single-word reading (Mandak et al., 2018)
Mandak et al. completed a systematic review to investigate the effects of instruction on single-word reading for individuals who use AAC.
Training pre-service SLPs to use family-centered behaviors (Mandak et al., 2018)
At the 2018 ASHA Conference, Mandak et al. presented their findings on an online training designed to improve the family-centered skill sets of pre-service SLPs.
Effects of the T2L feature on sight word reading for preschoolers with ASD (Mandak et al., 2018)
Mandak et al. (2018) investigate the effects of a new software feature, dynamic text and speech output, on the acquisition of sight words by three pre-literate preschoolers with ASD.
ASHA 2018 Presentations by PSU Faculty and Students
Penn State faculty and students will present 16 AAC studies at the ASHA 2018 Convention in Boston, MA.