Dr. Drager travels to South Africa as part of the PSU AAC Community’s commitment to cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.
Research on AAC Intervention for Adolescents with Severe Disabilities — Presentation
Colloquium discussion reviewed on-going research about intervention for school-age and adolescent communicators.
Sampling of Professional Activities of the National Joint Committee (NJC) — Presentation
The National Joint Committee on the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities is an interdisciplinary committee representing diverse organizations that support communication of individuals with severe disabilities. This ASHA 2013 Poster shares a sampling of the current work underway by members of the NJC as active researchers and/or clinicians.
PSU AAC Community thrilled to host Dr. Pat Mirenda
Our deep thanks to Dr. Mirenda for her insights: it has been a wonderful and inspiring visit!
ASHA 2012 Presentations by Penn State Faculty and Students
Penn State faculty and students will be presenting at the ASHA 2012 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, November 15-17, 2012 . We hope to see you there!