This ASHA 2016 poster session proposed a theoretical model of how AAC impacts families, and considers the clinical implications of using the Family Systems framework to inform services.
The perceptions of school-based SLPs on providing family-centered services to children with CCN — Presentation
This ASHA 2016 poster discussed findings from an online focus group with school-based SLPs aimed at identifying the strengths and limitations in providing effective family-centered services to children who use AAC.
Preliminary investigation of eye gaze on visual scene displays with navigation menu — Presentation
This ASHA 2016 poster reviewed research on factors that contribute to effectively develop system displays that minimize visual processing demands so that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can efficiently use AAC interventions.
Grid displays to literacy: Effect of dynamic text on word reading for individuals with ASD — Presentation
Literacy skills are essential to positive outcomes in education, employment, participation and community living. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of app features grounded in the state of the science in visual cognitive processing, literacy instruction, and instructional design (Light et al., 2014), as a component in the bridge from picture-based AAC systems to literacy.
Engaging adolescent learners with ASD & CCN in literacy instruction: Effects of adapted instruction — Presentation
No single intervention will have as dramatic effect on a student’s future as a solid foundation in literacy. It is critical that literacy expectations change for adolescents with ASD & CCN, and that these individuals are provided with quality adapted literacy instruction to maximize their participation and communication in an increasingly text-based society.