This ASHA 2016 poster reviewed recent advances in the field of augmented reality present a new opportunity for AAC systems that are more contextually integrated, relevant and cognitively salient.
Visual/cognitive processing demands of keyboard layouts for individuals with & without TBI — Presentation
This poster session at ASHA 2016 examined the visual-cognitive processing demands of using an ABC and QWERTY onscreen keyboard by individuals with and without TBI.
Engagement in Social Media Environments for Individuals Who Use AAC — Presentation
This ASHA 2016 poster session reviewed the application of a framework for social media engagement and results from a pilot study will be discussed in relation to interventions for individuals who use AAC.
“Book Buddies”: Using the iPad to support peer interaction for preschool children with ASD — Presentation
This ASHA 2016 poster session presented the results of an investigation into the effects of a social interaction intervention on communicative turns and engagement for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and peers without disabilities.
VSDs with dynamic text: Supporting early reading in adults with IDD — Presentation
This ASHA 2016 presentation explored a study regarding the impact of an AAC app designed to foster literacy development on single word reading performance in adults with intellectual disabilities.