Klein, C. & McNaughton, D. (2010). Building relationships through the tools of communication. Online video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dupabkw46Qk Chris Klein is a graduate of Hope College, and is the driving force for Clay Vessel Inc (http://www.clayvesselinc.org ), a not-for-profit resource for assistive technology. Chris was born with cerebral palsy, and uses augmentative communication to help support his […]
AAC and college life: Just do it! – Webcast
In this webcast, Beth Anne describes her experiences as a student at California University of Pennsylvania. Beth Anne has worked hard and developed an outstanding support team in order to pursue her dream of a college education. The webcast also includes commentary from faculty who have taught Beth Anne, as well as the insights of family members, academic advisors, and staff from the Office for Students with Disabilities at “Cal U”.
AAC Interventions to Maximize Language Development for Young Children
Young children who have significant communication disabilities are at risk in all aspects of their development. Early AAC intervention is essential to maximize outcomes. This webcast will report on the results of a research project, funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research as part of the AAC-RERC. The session will discuss: (1) […]
Maximizing the literacy skills of individuals who require AAC – Webcast
This free webcast will discuss effective evidence-based practices to maximize the literacy skills of individuals who require AAC.
Seating and positioning for individuals who use AAC – Webcast
Appropriate seating and positioning is critical for use of assistive technology (AT) and participation in a variety of environments. Aileen Costigan, a certified Occupational Therapist, provides an introduction to important issues in seating and positioning for individuals who use AT.