Babb, S., Raulston, T., McNaughton, D., Lee, J., & Weintraub, R. (2021). Social interaction interventions for adolescents with autism: A meta-analysis. Remedial and Special Education, 42(5), 343-357. Communicating with peers often poses challenges for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); these social interactions, however, can be especially difficult during the teenage years. For many […]
Like all individuals, adolescents who require AAC face important challenges as they transition from high school into adult life. Key transition goals include:
• having a safe and supportive place to live
• participating in meaningful activities
• maintaining access to needed services
• developing friendships and intimate relationships
In addressing these goals, many young adults who require AAC face additional challenges because of limited educational preparation and societal discrimination.
Transition research at Penn State seeks to better understand the supports and challenges associated with obtaining desired transition outcomes. Much of our work to date has focused on developing a better understanding of the strategies employed by individuals who require AAC and who have been successful in achieving desired outcomes in post-secondary education, independent living, and employment. We have made use of consumer led research teams and internet focus group discussions, as well as case-study analysis of “success stories”, in order to better understand the perspective of individuals who require AAC and their support teams.
Personalized AAC to increase participation and communication for an adult with Down syndrome (Babb et al., 2021)
Babb, S., Jung, S., Ousley, C., McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2021). Personalized AAC intervention to increase participation and communication for a young adult with Down syndrome. Topics in Language Disorders, 41(3), 232-248. FREE on PubMed Background Many adults with Down syndrome experience difficulty with speech production; communication breakdowns are common, especially with unfamiliar communication […]
Impact of video VSDs on peer social interaction for adolescents with ASD (Babb et al., 2021)
The use of a video visual scene display (VSD) approach increased peer interaction for autistic adolescents (Babb et al., 2021)
Video VSDs with T2L: Effects on single-word reading by an adolescent with cerebral palsy (Mandak et al., 2020)
Mandak et al. evaluated the impact of use of T2L features within video VSDs on single-word reading with an adolescent with cerebral palsy. (Free on PubMed, 9-15-21)