The efficiency of finding a symbol on an AAC display can be facilitated by specific display organizations.
Working memory and attention in utilizing aided AAC displays — Presentation
Thistle, J., Wilkinson, K., Carelli, R., (2011, November). Working Memory and Attention in Utilizing Aided AAC Displays. Presentation at ASHA Convention. San Diego, California.
Welcome to AAC at PSU
The Penn State AAC community of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students are dedicated to enhancing communication and improving the overall quality of life for individuals who have complex communication needs and their families. We are seeking to improve outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, developmental apraxia, traumatic brain injuries, aphasia, ALS /Lou Gehrig’s disease and many other disabilities through the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) such as signs, light tech symbols, high tech speech generating devices, etc.
We focus on three main areas in our work:
- Research to improve outcomes for individuals with complex communication needs
- Undergraduate and graduate education to prepare professionals to meet the needs of individuals who require AAC and their families as well as a doctoral-level program to prepare future researchers and leaders in the AAC field
- Service delivery (AAC assessment and intervention services) and outreach to meet the communication needs of individuals who require AAC and their families…..more
Considering the design of AAC systems for young children
This session focused on the design of aided AAC systems specifically for young children and beginning communicators. The use of visual scene displays (VSDs) with young children and with older individuals who are beginning communicators was presented.
Children’s representations of early language concepts
Drager, K. & Light, J. (2011, July). Children’s representations of early language concepts: Implications for designing symbols. Presentation at 8th Eastern and Central European Regional Augmentative and Alternative Communication Conference, Warsaw, Poland. In this session, we presented the results of a research study that investigated typically developing young children’s graphic representations of early emerging language concepts. […]