Penn State faculty and students presented on AAC research studies at the 2018 Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association (PSHA) Convention in Pittsburgh, PA . The presentations are listed below. Links to downloads of presentations and/or handouts will be uploaded as they become available.
Effects of Video Visual Scene Displays on Modes of Communication –Victoria Starr, Jessica Caron, Janice Light, David McNaughton
@Friend: Tagging to Increase Interactions for Individuals who use AAC – Nicole Romano, Lindsey Kelly, Jessica Caron
The Effects of Visual Scene Display Applications on Communicative Turns For a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder- Amanda Slowey, Jessica Caron, Janice Light, David McNaughton
Grid-based AAC Apps to Support Academic Sight Word Learning- Erica Filipovits, Salena Babb, Jessica Caron, Janice Light, David McNaughton
Experiences of Paraeducators Supporting Individuals who use AAC- Nora Eskin, Jessica Caron
Grid-based AAC Apps to Support Literacy: Case study with ASD- Emily Curtin, Jessica Caron, Janice Light, David McNaughton
Supporting Literacy in Communication: Visual Scene Displays with Dynamic Test- Lauramarie Pope, Christine Holyfield, David McNaughton, Janice Light