The PSU students in the AAC seminar course, “Working effectively with individuals who require AAC, and their families” were thrilled to have Eva Sweeney connect virtually to talk about her experiences with independent living. Raissa Dempsey noted, “Eva lives her life in a way that demonstrates the power of self-advocacy and self-confidence.”
Eva is extremely open about her experiences and insights. She is featured in the documentary, “Respect: The Joy of Aides” which explores her unique view on the relationship between people with disabilities and their aides.
This relationship was evident during the seminar, as Jamie Ragsdale commented: “I was amazed at the speed in which she communicated her message by using a light beam directed at a letter board posted on her wall. It was apparent how much more efficient communication with a low-tech system could be when paired with a skilled communication partner.”
Eva videotaped her responses to some of the questions from the students in class, which is available on YouTube’s, “Penn State Answers.”