Wilkinson, K. M., O’Neill, T., Nauss, J., Thistle, J., & McIlvane, W. J. (November 15, 2012). Eye-Tracking Technology & Cognitive Processing in Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. Seminar presentation at ASHA in Atlanta, GA. [Slides]
In aided AAC, there is an evidence base concerning some of the elements that contribute to successful functional use, as well as some of the factors that contribute to limited use or abandonment. Eye gaze technology makes it possible to test/measure a hypothesis that a display based on principles of visual processing will contribute to functional use.
This mini-seminar presents eye tracking as a means to measure processing in individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, in visual attention to AAC displays, vocabulary comprehension in children who may not be appropriate candidates for using traditional measures, attention to identity and emotion cues in faces, and matching of prosodic to facial cues.
Learner Outcomes:
Learner Outcome 1: Describe major elements of the study design
Learner Outcome 2: Discuss the authors conclusions
Learner Outcome 3: Identify possible implications for practice