Ekman, M., Light, J., & Currall, J. (November 14, 2015). Just-in-Time AAC Technology Effects on Communicative Turns of Young Children with Complex Communication Needs. Poster presentation at ASHA: Denver, Colorado. [Handout]
This poster presents a case study examining the effects of an AAC application that supports just-in-time (JIT) programming of vocabulary during interactions. Use of the JIT app resulted in an increase in the number of communication turns taken by a 33-month-old child with pontocerebellar hypoplasia resulting in complex communication needs.
Learner Outcomes:
Learner Outcome 1: Describe major elements of the study design
Learner Outcome 2: Discuss the authors’ conclusions
Learner Outcome 3: Identify possible implications for practice
This project was funded by NIH grant 2R44HD059231-02 SBIR Phase 2
Funding support for the students involved in this project was provided by U.S. Department of Education grant #H325K080333.
Additional information:
– Building Communicative Competence With Individuals Who Require AAC
– Effects of AAC Technologies With “Just in Time” Programming
– Designing effective visual scene displays for AAC systems for young children with complex communication needs [Handout]
– Effects of AAC systems with “just in time” programming for children with complex communication needs [Handout]