Wilkinson, K., Sainburg, R., Thomas, A., Regiec, C., Neumann, E., Liang, J. (November 12, 2015). Applications of Tools of Neuroscience to Enhance AAC System Design for Individuals with Down Syndrome. Seminar presentation at ASHA: Denver, Colorado.
This presentation examines how various tools of neuroscience – including EEG, eyetracking, and kinematic analysis — can reveal important conceptual, visual, and motor processing behavior of individuals with Down syndrome. We seek to understand how such individuals respond to visual communication supports, in order to improve the effectiveness of these aids.
Learner Outcomes:
Learner Outcome 1: Describe major elements of the study design
Learner Outcome 2: Discuss the authors’ conclusions
Learner Outcome 3: Identify possible implications for practice