Light, J. (November 16, 2012). Building Communicative Competence With Individuals Who Require AAC (Invited). Presentation at ASHA in Atlanta, GA. [Handout]
This session is developed by the Convention Program Committee. In order to attain communicative competence, individuals with complex communication needs (CCN) that require AAC must develop knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains: linguistic, operational, social, and strategic. This session will review current research on interventions to build skills in these domains to further the communicative competence of individuals with CCN. Case examples will be presented to illustrate implications for evidence-based practice.
Learner Outcomes:
Learner Outcome 1: describe the linguistic, operational, social, and strategic skills that are required of individuals with complex communication needs to develop communicative competence.
Learner Outcome 2: summarize current research results on interventions to build skills in these domains with individuals with CCN.
Learner Outcome 3: describe evidence-based practices to promote the communicative competence of individuals who require AAC.